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Communication between SoC and FPGA

This document describes how FPGA and SoC communicate with each other in TwPM project for NEORV32. State presented here is valid for release v0.2.0 of top module.

Memory map

Address Size Name Access
0xF0000000 4B STATUS RO
0xF0000004 4B OP_TYPE RO
0xF0000008 4B LOCALITY RO
0xF000000C 4B BUF_SIZE RO
0xF0000040 4B COMPLETE WO
0xF0000800 2KiB FPGA_RAM RW

Reads from invalid addresses in 0xF0000000-0xF0000FFF range return 0xBADFABAC (BAD FABric ACcess), writes are dropped. Most values are valid only if exec bit in STATUS register is set.


Reserved bits are read as 0. They may change in the future.


Layout of STATUS register

  • exec indicates that MCU is expected to act upon request sent from FPGA, specified in OP_TYPE register. Interrupt is generated when this signal gets set by FPGA.
  • abort is set when PC aborts command currently being executed by TPM.
  • complete is a signal sent towards FPGA by writing to COMPLETE register. The signal is active for a few cycles after write to that register, after that is should be automatically set back to 0.


Layout of OP_TYPE register

  • op_type is a type of operation expected from MCU. 0 is used as a default value to which this register returns after complete signal is acknowledged by FPGA, code should treat this value as error because no valid path produces it when requesting interaction from MCU. 0xC is reserved as it may be part of 0xBADFABAC magic value. This register is only valid if exec is set.
op_type Operation
0x0 No operation
0x1 Execute TPM2 command located in FPGA_RAM
0xC Illegal operation type
other Reserved for future use


Layout of LOCALITY register

  • locality specifies the locality at which the current operation was initiated. Value 0xF is used when no locality was active at that point. This field is only valid if exec is set.


Layout of BUF_SIZE register

  • buf_size specifies size (in bytes) of data available in FPGA RAM, which is usually a TPM2 command. This field is only valid if exec is set. TPM stack is not expected to write size of response to this field, it is deduced from response's payload.


Any write to this register triggers complete signal to be sent to FPGA. Reads from this register aren't implemented, meaning that 0xBADFABAC is returned.


This region behaves like RAM if exec is set. Its content depends on op_type, which in most cases will be TPM2 command. Response is written by MCU to this buffer, starting from offset 0, overwriting the command.

When exec is not set, data read from this region is invalid and writes are dropped.


TwPM needs to communicate from FPGA towards SoC when there is an operation to be performed by TPM stack. This is done through mext_irq_i, which is responsible for signaling Machine external interrupt (MEI). This signal is level-triggered and high-active. MEI has a dedicated value in mcause, shared between all external interrupts. The exact reason has to be obtained in a platform-specific way; in case of TwPM it can be read from STATUS register, however, as of now only exec generates an interrupt so this check is redundant.

The interrupt signal remains active until SoC signals completion by performing a write to COMPLETE register. For this reason, the IRQ must be masked when TPM command is being executed outside of interrupt service routine (ISR).